Ultimate React Component Patterns with TypeScript

Зал №5

React and TypeScript, the ultimate duo for writing web apps with top notch developer experience. But where to start? What are the gotchas? In this live coding session we will cover all React Component patterns techniques backed by excellent DX and type safety with TypeScript ⚛

Запись доклада


Twisto.cz, ngParty
Martin Hochel

Martin is a Principal Software Engineer and Google Developer Expert with strong passion for JavaScript/TypeScript and clean code. He loves contributing to open source (TypeScript, rex-tils, ng-metadata, @skatejs, React, Preact), enjoys writing technical articles on medium.com and also runs the biggest JavaScript meetup in Prague — ngParty. Martin loves to travel the world and meeting new people at conferences. When he’s not busy preparing the next meetup or talk, you can find him outside on one of his skate/snow/wakeboards (depends on weather conditions yo!).

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