V8 by example: A journey through the compilation pipeline

Зал №5

V8 is complicated. Things change way too fast and it’s really hard to keep track of what’s the fastest way of doing every specific action. But not anymore. Join me, a V8 contributor, on a journey through the compilation pipeline of V8 and understand how it all works under the hood. We’ll take the example of a popular JavaScript builtin method and find that what does and does not trigger de-optimization. By the end of the talk, you will have a fairly decent idea of how builtins are written inside the V8 compilation pipeline, and how to make sure you always take the fast path, no matter what.

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Ujjwal Sharma

Ujjwal is a Node.js core collaborator, Electron maintainer, Google Summer of Code mentor and ex-student. An international speaker and a JavaScript/C++ developer, he has been working with the V8 team and the TC39 committee to help make JavaScript better, one commit at a time. He loves to talk about open source software, DevOps, JavaScript, Web Standards and the Open Web.

Ujjwal is a Node.js core collaborator, Electron maintainer, Google Summer of Code mentor and ex-student. An international speaker and a JavaScript/C++ developer, he has been working with the V8 team and the TC39 committee to help make JavaScript better, one commit at a time. He loves to talk about open source software, DevOps, JavaScript, Web Standards and the Open Web.